Summary Bundle: Mind & Motivation | SUMOREADS: Five Books in One! Includes "Summary of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind," "Summary of Grit," "Summary of Designing Your Life" + 2 BONUS BOOKS!

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This SUMOREADS Summary Bundle offers supplementary material to help you distill the key takeaways, review the books' content, and further understand the writing style and overall themes from an editorial perspective. Whether you'd like to deepen your understanding, refresh your memory, or simply decide whether or not these books are for you, SUMOREADS is here to help. Absorb everything you need to know in under 20 minutes per book!

This SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis Bundle includes:

  • Summary of Vishen Lakhiani's The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
  • Summary of Angela Duckwith's Grit
  • Summary of Bill Burnett & Dave Evans' Designing Your Life
  • Summary of Eric Barker's Barking Up the Wrong Tree
  • Summary of Jon Acuff's Finish
Each summary includes key takeaways and analysis of the original book to help you quickly absorb the author's wisdom in a distilled and easy-to-digest format. SUMOREADS' summaries mean you save time and money reading only what you need.

Buy this five-book bundle to increase your focus, improve motivation, discover your path, and start GETTING THINGS DONE!

"The Code of the Extraordinary Mind" Overview This book is meant for that person who is tired of the mediocrity of our times and is looking to achieve that extra success materially and intellectually, as well as finding harmony and sustainable happiness. Lakhiani will help you tap into your full potential and easily achieve more in all areas of life by unlocking your own power.

"Grit" Overview In this New York Times bestseller, Angela Duckworth takes the reader to the playing field of achievement to demystify exceptional performance and distill success into its bare, learnable components. Duckworth contends that IQ, socioeconomic status, physical ability, and other predetermined qualities do not count for as much as effort, passion, and perseverance in any story of success. She draws from her positive psychology research and from the experiences of grit paragons to argue for a theory of success that is as accessible as it is inspirational.

"Designing Your Life" Overview Bill Burnett and Dave Evans guide the reader on how to design a tailor-fit meaningful and happy life. The authors dismantle dysfunctional beliefs on life, happiness and career as they present new mindsets on finding direction. Narratives from students and professionals help the reader understand their numerous dysfunctional beliefs and reframe the reader's view on life and career. Hands-on activities from their classes in Stanford University help empower the reader in designing the life he or she wants.

"Barking Up the Wrong Tree" Overview Barking Up the Wrong Tree is an entertaining read. It is full of funny, quirky, inspiring and unusual stories, which keep the reader entertained from beginning to end. Each memorable story has a point to make, and leads on to researched advice on how to make the most of your life. The book is full of unconventional advice, which draws from research and statistics presented in an easy-to-digest format.

"Finish" Overview Jon Acuff explains why perfectionism is the number one enemy in getting any goal or project done and offers practical ideas for getting around this sneaky obstacle. Acuff contends that by countering perfectionism with simple, counterintuitive measuressuch as cutting goals in half, simplifying the process, and using data to track progressanyone can make the transition from a chronic starter to a consistent finisher. Finish is an easy read packed with insights that can be put to immediate application.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a collection of summaries, analyses, and reviews of the books, and not the original books. This analysis is meant as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, the original books.